õli lõuendil, 117 x 85 cm, 2017
Certificate of Excellence Award PSOA 2017
Thank you for submitting your work to the 19th annual International Portrait Competition hosted by the Portrait Society of America. With 2,179 entries submitted, we are pleased to report the overall quality of the competition entries were higher then we have ever seen.
Our goal in creating our annual exhibition is to display some of the finest portrait and figurative work being created today and to inspire and energize artists from all over the world. The judges based their decisions on a number of factors including:
Proficiency: fundamental skill development
Craft: masterful skill in their chosen style and technique
Vision: unique point of view in the concept and design
Empathy: sensitivity toward their subjects
Transcendence: ability to describe, in subtle ways, more than might initially meet the eye
Using the above criteria a panel of three judges diligently reviewed each entry and found many works that fit this criteria. They also thoughtfully worked to find a balance showing a variety of styles, techniques and aesthetics. It was a difficult process to narrow down such a large and diverse group of works to a selection of 23 finalists and 26 certificate of excellence awards.
We are pleased to tell you that your artwork entitled In Our Living Room, 46×33″, Oil on canvas was one of the 26 art works that was judged as outstanding, and awarded a Certificate of Excellence award.

Aaron ja Helge meie eluotoas
Tahtsin selle maali teha kingituseks meie perele selle eest, et Aaron võitis ära etüüdide konkursi oma koolis, Vanalinna Haridukolleegiumi Muusikakooli II klassi 14. klaverimängija hulgast.